Neàpolis participates in the World Virtual Reality Day

It will be held on November 20, and will host different types of events and dissemination sessions on virtual reality and its uses. The VRDay Spain edition will be held in Spain – the regional chapter of the world event -, organized by different associations and working groups from 4 venues: Barcelona, Madrid, Pamplona and […]

Makers coordinate to deal with COVID-19

A maker community was formed last March to deal with the coronavirus pandemic. His voluntary work has helped to create more than 8,000 personal protective equipment, using the 3D printing technique, aimed at the staff of the essential services most exposed to infection.

Neàpolis reopens its doors by reorienting projects and expanding services

The declaration of the state of alarm decreed by the central government in relation to the health crisis of the Covid-19 caused the almost absolute closure of the Neàpolis building in mid-March. Only the space of the municipal television Canal Blau TV, declared as an essential service, remained operational.

A Health and Wellness Living Lab to respond to the challenges of the Covid-19

None of us would have thought that we would ever experience a situation like the one caused by COVID-19. In a matter of days, the global health system has been subjected to a stress test of global magnitude, which has had consequences on the global system economically and socially. Little by little, we begin to […]

The Select Weekend Talent achieves a great success of participation and mobilizes the entrepreneurial initiative

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Last weekend, from Friday 6 to Sunday 8 November, the Select Talent Weekend was held, an entrepreneurial talent selection event organized by Neàpolis and Tandenn, attended by 20 people, previously selected from 56 candidates. It was three intensive days of creativity, learning, collaboration, innovation and involvement to solve health and wellness challenges.