Business hotel

Third and last phase of the journey that startups do and therefore last accompaniment before going out. Offices located on the first and ground floor of the building, of different capacities.
Create & lab space

The Crea & lab is an open space for training activities focused on co-creation. It has several large tables, chairs, blackboard and other support materials. The capacity of the space is up to 20 people.
MedGAIMS, gamified Mediterranean tourism

MedGAIMS Year : 2019-2022 Location: Vilanova i la Geltrú (Catalonia), Alghero (Sardinia), Beirut (Lebanon) and Amman (Jordan). Subject : gamification, tourist promotion. MedGAIMS is a European project funded under the ENI CBCMED Program, for cross-border cooperation between countries in the Euro-Mediterranean region. The initiative has funding of € 2,400,000 of which Neàpolis will manage a total of € 240,000. The […]
Living health and wellness lab

Living Lab de salut i benestar Year : 2018-2021 Location : Vilanova i la Geltrú Subject : living lab, health and well-being, active aging. The project focuses on developing an ecosystem of work between the different local and regional actors of innovation (quadruple helix) to find solutions to the needs of the new elderly, in order to create […]
Penedès 5G area

Àrea 5G Penedès Year : 2020-2022 Location : Penedès, Garraf and Anoia Topic : 5G, living lab, health and wellness, media. Vilanova i la Geltrú participates in the project to deploy the Penedès 5G Area, promoted by the Generalitat de Catalunya, through the Department of Digital Policies and Public Administration, and within the framework of the 5G Strategy of […]
Crea & Tic, disruptive technologies and the labor market

Crea&Tic Year : 2021-2022 Location : Vilanova i la Geltrú Theme : VR, XR 5G, media, living lab. Crea & Tic is a project to support the local labor market through advanced digital technologies. It seeks to apply advanced disruptive technologies, mainly 5G and extended reality (XR) -which combines augmented reality (AR, in English) and virtual reality (VR) […]
International screening of Vilanova i la Geltrú

Projecció internacional Year : 2018-present Location : Vilanova i la Geltrú Topic : International projection and European funding. Vilanova i la Geltrú has been working since 2015 for its international projection. In a first phase it was through the support of ACCIÓ and the Diputació de Barcelona later. As a result of the work carried out, in 2017 […]
VNG Digital Twin

VNG Digital Twin Year : 2022-2024 Location : Vilanova i la Geltrú Topic : Digital Twins, IoT, sensor, Smart City More information: Local Digital Twins Vilanova i la Geltrú Digital Twins is a technology that replicates objects, places, physical systems or processes. In addition, it is possible to generate artificial scenarios for all types of industries with the Internet […]
Neapolis participated in the artathon last April 27 in Espronceda

Last April 27 and with the help of our friends from Instituto Espronceda, the Neapolis team helped facilitate a brainstorming session within the framework of the Augmented Europe project, a European program that wants to listen to opinions that young people have regarding some of the problems that new technologies and the digital environment raise. […]
MEDGAIMS – G&TE, the first gamification and tourism event in Catalonia

On November 4, 2022, the first gamification and tourism event in Catalonia will be held, led by the most prominent experts in the field, who will start a debate on the role of gamification in tourism. Vilanova i la Geltrú, a pioneering tourist destination in gamification, will declare the results of its experience in deploying […]