Neàpolis will once again be one of the venues for Mobile Week Catalonia

Neàpolis will once again be, between 7 and 21 June, one of the headquarters of the MWC with activities to bring technology closer to the public.

The first session will be a conference on social technology and health, which will address issues such as ethics and social involvement to create technologies in the field of health (June 15), in relation to projects that are being worked in the field of health and well-being within the framework of the PECT Garraf of Active and Healthy Aging.

The second will be dedicated to innovation applied to the media (June 16). There will be two sessions: the first, on the new offer in vocational training, in which the Crea & TIC project and its work to incorporate new training skills linked to the local business fabric will be explained; the second will be a debate on the importance of 5G for the media.

Finally, there will also be a session on disruptive technologies and new opportunities for the economic sector (June 21), in which new developments will be proposed for the city such as the implementation of 5G in the Penedès-Garraf, the international projection of cities and the fostering innovation in the company.

The official presentation of the Mobile Week in Vilanova is scheduled for June 7, a day that will also explain experiences of gamification and virtual reality in tourism promotion that are already being developed in the European project MedGAIMS. The days within the Mobile Week also include technology workshops aimed at young people.

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